Difference between mbps and Mb/s

Difference between Mbps and MB/s.

By Blogger Ji

Did you know ??? There is very big difference between Mbps and MB/s.

Yes, There is very big difference. The Mbps means Megabit Per Second and MB/s means Mega Byte Per Second. The Mbps is mostly used to calculate the internet speed or speed test and MB/s is for measure the data storage size. The 8 Bit is equal to 1 Byte (8 bit = 1 byte), like that 8 Megabit is equal to 1 Mega Byte (8 megabit = 1 megabyte). You mostly seen mbps, when you do the the internet speed test, when the meter so you the speed, that speed is calculated in mbps (Mega Bit per Second).

Difference between Mbps and MB/s
